Best Budget-friendly Road Trips In India Tips You Will Read This Year 2022

01 Mussoorie

Mussoorie is located around 290km from New Delhi, and it will take approx 7 to 8 hours from Delhi to reach Mussoorie. To make this trip more incredible you can take one stop in Dehradun. That place is most famous for tourist spots. Also, if you have a couple of times, you can explore hidden places near Mussoorie. This trip is not heavy on your budget as you plan.

02 Mumbai to Lonavala 

If you're looking for a road trip that will take you from Mumbai to Lonavala, then look no further. This is the perfect way to spend your weekend in October. You'll start off in Mumbai and make your way to Lonavala. You'll pass through very beautiful towns along the way, and by the time you reach Lonavala, it will be late afternoon. You can stop by at one of the many lakes found around this area or go into town for dinner. After dinner, you can check out some of the shops that are located in Lonavala. If you feel like a stroll on the beach before going home, then go ahead and do so! If you have time after dinner, then head back to Mumbai so that you can be back in time for work on Monday morning!

03 Ahmedabad to Kutch

Ahmedabad to Kutch road trip is one of the most popular tourist destinations in India. The journey covers a distance of 637 kilometres and takes more than 8 hours to complete. It begins in Ahmedabad and ends at Kutch, which is located on the western coast of India. The route between Ahmedabad and Kutch has been established for many years now and it’s quite easy to drive there by yourself if you have a vehicle. However, if you are planning this road trip with your friends or family members then it gets a little tricky because there are too many roads which connect these two cities by driving on them separately.

04 Darjeeling to Pelling 

If you are planning to visit Darjeeling and Pelling, then this is the perfect trip for you. This road trip starts from Darjeeling and ends at Pelling. The total distance covered by this road trip is around 1365 kilometers. It takes around 5 days to complete this road trip. The best part of this road trip is that it will not take too much time and effort to cover the distance between these two places which makes it a perfect holiday destination for families who want to enjoy nature in its best form.

05 Kochi to Munnar

Kochi to Munnar is the most popular route for travellers who are travelling from Kerala to Tamil Nadu, and vice versa. The road trip covers the beautiful coastal landscape of Kerala and the lush green forests of Tamil Nadu.The best time to take a road trip on this route is during the monsoon season, which lasts from June to September. This is when Kerala's beaches are at their most beautiful, and you'll be able to enjoy the cool breeze that comes off the ocean as you drive through it.


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