The Ultimate Guide to the Jagannath Rath Yatra Gadgets That You Need

 The Jagannath Temple is a Hindu temple dedicated to the deity of Vishnu, known in this form as Jagannatha, who is an avatar of Vishnu. The temple is located in Puri, Odisha, India. It is one of the four sacred dhams (pilgrimage destinations) to Hindus and is considered by many to be a holy site.

The temple was constructed in the 12th century by King Chodagangadeva and has been destroyed and rebuilt several times over the years. It is one of the most popular tourist attractions in India.

The Jagannath Temple has four main entrances: eastern, southern, western and northern. The eastern gate is called Bada Darwaja or Grand Entrance and leads to a high platform where the temple priests perform rituals before entering the inner sanctum sanctorum (Garbhagriha). The southern gate leads to a network of paths around the temple complex leading to other shrines. The western gate leads to Nandighosala where images of Nandi are made every year for use in processions during Rath Yatra. The northern gate leads to Jai Mandir where images are kept until they are taken out for procession during Rath Yatra.

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